Mental Well-Being for Higher Education.
Well-being support for professors and the whole student body.
Burnout in Higher Education is a problem
Are you losing faculty due to burn out?
Teaching is often recognized as an intense, highly pressured profession in which burnout is common (Yu, 2005).
53% of Faculty
reported a significant increase in emotional drain
74% of Stress
was attributed to transitioning to online teaching
85% of Faculty
said changes in class size and teaching modality is a growing challenge
The Growing Problem with Stress in Higher Education
Professors and faculty in higher education are stressed out. Research shows that more than half of faculty are now experiencing symptoms of workplace burnout. 53 percent of faculty reported a significant increase in emotional drain and 52 percent reported work-related stress or frustration.
This stress has higher education professionals looking for new career paths with as many as 40 percent of faculty reporting that they have thought about leaving their position because of the pandemic.
The Effect of Stress in Higher Education
40% of faculty
said they have considered leaving their position because of COVID’s impact
50% of Faculty
Reported significant stress from frustration with the decisions of the administration
70% of Faculty
expect institutions will cut academic programs or courses of study.
The Peak Mind Solution for Higher Education
We help companies that can't get employee stress down and we do it by instantly providing the coping mechanisms that calm themselves. This gives them the tool to empower their day!
27/7 access to a Mental well-being platform
Communicate directly to employees that are feeling burned out
Impact daily life stressors when they occur

“Teaching very stressed students, dealing with technology and coping with the impact of the pandemic on our own lives is definitely causing stress among the faculty I engage with. Common topics include worry about teaching and conducting research effectively in the new landscape, online exhaustion, and compassion fatigue related to constant exposure to other people’s sadness and trauma.”
- Mary McNaughton-Cassill, PhD, Professor at University of Texas, San Antonio